My house/s
The FIRST FLOOR!!!! And this is also the first house I ever built, so that explains the dodgyness in some areas. (By the way I have ditched this house now and I am building another one!!)
After I did a lot more work to my glass house
My two separate crates before I realized that I could make a double chest. Also my tip (the water).
My completed glass house!!!
There's me creation, place thingy.
My tip and a crate (that's devoted for building materials.
My irrigation, planting place.
My automatic doors!!
My bedroom. With a bed!!!
My holding pen.
One of my paintings.
Second painting and my juke box and crates.
More crates.
1st ladder!!!! It's leading to surprisingly the 2nd floor!!
2nd floor!!! Escape thingy.
A crate.
My second floor.
Third floor, transport.
My minecart track leading to my spawn point.
My nether portal.
Fourth floor, signals.
My torch signal.
My Redstone torch signal.
Fifth floor, Redstone testing area.
My defences.